Total Plumbing & Water Treatment. That's What We Do.

Total Plumbing & Water Treatment. That's What We Do.

New Year. New Deal.

Introducing our



Fresh, Clean Water can be
Easy and Affordable!

clean water club logo

New Year. New Deal.

Introducing our



Fresh, Clean Water can be Easy and Affordable!

clean water club logo
special offer

Pay full year of maintenance upfront 

and Receive


Membership Includes:

Low Monthly Fees

As a member of our Clean Water Club, you pay only a simple monthly fee for all your water system costs. No surprises. With this kind of benefit and ensurance there are no unforeseen high dollar repairs that would cause a financial hardship.

5 - 10% Discounts

In addition, get 10% off all smaller plumbing projects and 5% off larger plumbing projects.These projects include well pumps, water heaters and well tanks.*

Extended Warranties

Clean Water Club Membership also indefinitely extends your warranty on equipment installed by Liberty Pure Solutions, Inc.

 *Place of service must be within our plumbing service area. 

**Warranty follows original warranty procedure as per replacement of covered parts. It does not include labor. 

Don't have a Water Treatment System?

Talk to our Experts. . .

Get the Fresh, Clean Water
You Deserve.

free water analysis

Learn more about the benefits of a quality whole house water treatment system. Keep you family and pets safe with clear, clean water. Let Liberty Pure help.